Why Self Care Matters so much to me in my work with leaders
I once heard Michelle Obama once talk about "the oxygen mask theory of parenting"—parents have to take care of themselves before they take care of others, just like how on airplanes in the event of a crash you have to put your mask on first before you can help others around you. It makes sense; if you can't get the oxygen you need, how can you help others? The same is true for self-care and leaders.
There's a lot of weight and responsibility in leadership, whether that's leading a team, managing individuals or being the key decision maker. No matter how your role is structured, it's critical to take care of yourself. As leaders we are often taking care of others - making sure they're successful at their job, making sure goals are being met, making sure that people are productive and behaving in an appropriate way. If we don't take care of ourselves, it's very hard to do that work. You cannot pour from an empty cup. That's one of the reasons why self-care is such a passion of mine; all the technical and adaptive fixes in the world do not work if you are out of gas.
Image Credit: “Self-care.” Part Ramesh
Sometimes, self-care can be portrayed as selfish, or as unnecessary. It's essential, though, like oxygen. Sometimes it seems like you need a weekend at the wellness spa or a luxurious bubble bath. But taking care of yourself can be found in the little things—sitting outside at the end of a nice summer day. Reading a book for fun before you go to bed (or when you first wake up). Going to move your body because you feel better after, even if there is a pile-up in the inbox or laundry waiting to be done.
As part of my commitment to self care, I post tips most Sundays for #selfcaresunday. You can see some here, and follow me here to learn more. You can also download a self care calendar here that you can start using at any time! I created this tool for myself during the Covid lockdowns, which I have continued to use to this day as it helps me make sure on a daily basis I'm taking time for self-care. (Not all self-care is daily; there will be more to come on how to think about weekly, monthly and annual self care!)
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