I made you a quiz!!

Something to know about me:

I LOVE a good internet quiz.

Whether it’s, “What’s your decorating style?” or “Which Harry Potter house are you?” I am clicking away as soon as I read the title. Even in the olden days before the Internet, I would get my Teen magazine full of quizzes and happily get my pen out, ready to see if my crush was into me or what career I was best suited for (see pictured — spoiler alert..this is not the one I made for you, but seeing stuff like this really takes me back!).

I love them for many reasons but mostly because a few minutes thinking through fun answers and clicking away gives me the gift of self-knowledge.

Knowledge is power, so when I know my Harry Potter house (Gryffindor), I’m more quick to notice how I do show up with courage in my everyday life. Or I can use my decorating style (eclectic coastal wannabe with industrial vibes) to help me narrow down my options for kitchen chairs.

So it's long been on my list as something I want to do for leaders: ask a few questions that helps them identify what they need most as a leader.

With encouragement from some mentors and the leadership and muscle of a colleague, we did it!

Go to www.leadership-quiz.com and click the banner to take the quiz. I just took the entire quiz in 70 seconds-it's that easy. I send you your results--and not only that, there's some customized advice, perspective and treats that come to you based on what your results tell you and where you are right now in your leadership journey.

I would LOVE for you take it AND spread the word--send this to a listserv you're on, post in a newsletter or a group, share it with friends! I am thrilled for this quiz because it's such a quick and easy way for leaders to get some insight into what they most need right now.

Feel free to comment and let me know what you think of it!


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